Thursday, May 6, 2010

Enjoying the Great Outdoors

Yesterday was my day off of work and it was so beautiful outside! We met Gabe for lunch at his work which was nice. When we got home, we played a little bit and practiced our standing:

After her (crappy) afternoon nap, we spent a little time outside. I was going to take her for a walk, but it was getting late so instead I decided we would sit outside and enjoy the nice weather. So I pulled out the circa 1970 blanket (it seriously is older than I am!) and outside we went! I've never attempted this with Avery so I didn't know how she'd do with the whole idea. I brought out her rings and some bubbles to occupy her. She immediately went for the bubbles:

Then she felt grass for one of the first times. We had her feel it a few weeks ago and she did not like it one bit. She did a little better with it today!

First she just patted the grass, then she realized she could pull it out of the ground-which amazed her. Then of course she had to inspect it:

And of course it went right to her mouth! So I spent a good 20min telling her not to eat the grass and taking it away from her. But we enjoyed the nice day! We can't wait for more to come!

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