Sunday, March 30, 2014

Baptism and Big 6-0

We went to Buffalo yesterday for a few celebrations!

First, my good friend Renee's daughter had her baptism party.
She's just the cutest thing! She wasn't too thrilled having people hold her, but somehow I think I had her for a good half hour or so. If she saw a man, she cried. If she saw kids, she smiled! I don't think she loved the idea of me holding her, but she went along with it for a bit!
She also tried out her exersaucer type thing!
We had a nice lunch and of course some yummy cake to go along with it.

After the party, we went to my Mom's to celebrate both my Mom's and Aunt's birthdays (they are a day after each other). My Mom is 60 this year so it was a "big" birthday for her! On the way, we picked up our first ever doughnut cake from our fave Buffalo doughnut shop.
We just hung out and the kids played. Then we had a light dinner and the kids wanted some popsicles.
Then we sang "Happy Birthday" to the birthday girls....
My Aunt and Mom
and the doughnut cake was so darn good! Before we hit the road, the girls had some Nama snuggles.
Our drive home was terrible. We got hit with a storm that started as rain and changed over to snow. We left Buffalo at 8pm and didn't get home until 10:45!! Usually it takes us about an hour and 20min or so. I don't think we ever went over 40mph and we didn't drive longer than 5min without seeing either an accident or a car off of the road. It was crazy!  I'm just glad we made it home without an issue-even if it took forever!

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