Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas-Day 1

Our Christmas festivities began last night-party #1 at my Sister-in-Law's house. I didn't take my camera with me, but took this photo of Avery before she left-all dressed up in her party attire!

Today was our Christmas in Buffalo. We left our house around 10:30am and got there around noon.  My Mom had Avery open up her stocking shortly after we arrived
My girlfriend Katie was in town from Maryland and I'm so happy she was able to stop by! I only get to see her once or twice a year now so it's nice to have some time to visit with her while she's here. Her son, Roman and her sister came along for the visit. We had to get a photo of us with our kiddos:
Roman, Katie, Avery and I

And since I had Avery in her Christmas dress, I wanted a nice picture of her by the tree as well!
And a nice family photo of us too!
Avery loves this one zoo book my Mom has for her so it was read to her multiple times today. Here my Mom just finished reading it to her.
My friend Renee also stopped by for a little while and also my Uncle Joe and Aunt Marion came by for a bit. It was pretty much a rotating door all day of people coming in and out. Once Renee left, we had a very yummy dinner-stuffed pork roast, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, salad, bread.

After dinner it was more guests-my friend Megan, her husband, Todd, Noah and baby Leigha.  We attempted a photo of Avery and Noah by the tree and it was an epic fail. We couldn't get both of them looking at the camera at the same time for anything! I think this was the best shot I got of them:

Avery and Noah exchanged gifts and she got a really cute doctors set. Of course we had to open it immediately so she could play with it! She was pretty funny with it too-checking everyone out to see if they were healty.

I hear something!
Whatcha got in there Noah?

Here, you listen now!
 The kids played very well together-they were even sharing the little people house!
And I had to take a pic of little Leigha-hard to believe she's almost 2 months old already! What a cutie!
Once they all left, we still had to do gifts with my Mom. Avery was so overtired by the end of the day (she didn't nap of course) that she was getting really silly. She started making a ton of funny faces and cracking us up!

We ended up not leaving until about 9pm which was really late for us. Avery crashed in the car and slept the entire ride home. She did wake up when we got home, but quickly fell back asleep, thankfully!! 

Tomorrow we get to see what Santa brings!!

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