Yesterday Avery wasn't feeling very well-she had a fever most of the day-so we didn't really do too much. I took her to the market in the morning with my in-laws and that was a big mistake. About halfway through she burst into tears and I had to carry her the rest of the way. She didn't want to go home ("stay market Mommy") so we stopped at our usual coffee spot. She actually fell asleep on my shoulder for a good half hour, which she never does. So I knew she wasn't feeling well. When we got home, she took a 3 hour nap and we had to wake her up because it was getting so late!!
Today we had planned on going to Buffalo but I wasn't sure how it would pan out with her not feeling well. Luckily, she woke up in the morning and was feeling fine! So, Avery and I went to Buffalo to visit (my Grandfather goes back to Vegas tomorrow and we really haven't seen him) and Gabe stayed home to get some painting done.
We went to my Mom's for about an hour, then we went to my Uncle Joe's house for a cookout. Like I mentioned, it was close to 90 out so it was a bit toasty! My Mom brought along a big bowl and some toys for Avery so we filled it up with water and let her go to town with it! For a girl who won't get in a pool or sprinkler, she sure will get herself wet with a bowl of water!
ugh.. its so disgusting here today too! Do you by chance have Twitter too? (just curious)
No I don't have a Twitter acct.
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