Sunday, May 3, 2009

Welcome Baby Noah!

Yesterday, my girlfriend Megan and her husband Todd welcomed their son, Noah Matthew! He was born at 5:55am and weighed in at 7lbs. 13oz and 21" long. The poor thing went through quite the process to have him. She was due April 25th and went in Thursday night to get induced. Friday around 5pm she was still only 1cm dilated so they gave her an option-go home and come back next week to try again, or go through the induction again Friday night. As she was deciding what to do, her water broke! So her decision was made for her. They gave her more inducing drugs Friday overnight and still being at only 1cm, they gave her an epidural. She finally was fully dilated and pushed for an hour only to have the baby get stuck on her pelvic bones! So she ended up having a c-section Saturday morning. So in 2 nights she had about 2 hours of sleep total. She had to be exhausted! Gabe and I stopped up to see them in the hospital and everyone was doing well! Little Noah is a cutie and we can't wait for our baby to meet him!!

This is me holding Noah:

Close up of Noah:

Megan, Todd and Noah:

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