This morning I got up and went to the gym. We were going to go to the public market after, but the weather was pretty miserable so we decided against it. Avery has another cold so we didn't want to take her out in the cold and rain for it. So we stayed in! I haven't worn our baby bjorn in awhile and thought I'd put her in it to see if she'd like it now that she is able to face forward in it.
She did ok in it for a little bit-then wanted out!
My Mom came out today as well-she arrived around 3 or so and we had Avery decked out in Halloween gear my Mom bought her. I love the look on her face here:
Here she is in her Halloween attire:
Gabe and I carved pumpkins last night-for years now I've been doing them with stencils instead of doing just a face. I did a gravestone for mine and Gabe picked out a witch. This is them lit up, but you can't see them that well:
Here's one I took with the flash so they don't look lit up:
In the evening we got Avery dressed in her costume to take her around to the neighbors. She was a good sport even though she barely napped all day and wasn't feeling well.
Mommy and Avery:
Full body shot of the costume:
Close up:
Family photo:
When we went to Buffalo last weekend, I took some pics of Avery and Noah in their costumes. Now that it's Halloween, I can share them!
Here's Noah in his monkey costume (too darn cute!):
Avery and Noah:
Overall we had a nice Halloween-a pretty decent amount of trick-or-treaters for our neighborhood. I wish Avery had felt better and napped so she wasn't as cranky as she was, but we made the best of it! Happy Halloween!!