Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yesterday was Gabe's birthday (Happy Birthday Hubby!)-I picked up DiBella's subs on the way home for our dinner-that's what the birthday boy wanted. Then I made us some molten lava cakes for dessert-they were so yummy!! Gabe opened his gifts from me and we just relaxed the rest of the night. I skipped my usual gym routine to spend time with him and we had a nice evening. Today---well, I was in surgery today and it ended up being a very looooong day. I got there at 730am and left work at 6pm-on my feet the entire time, except for my half hour lunch. Let me tell ya, being on your feet that long makes you feel like an old person. By the time I got home, I felt like a Mack truck had run over me. My back is still killing me just sitting here. I can imagine it'll only get worse the larger my belly gets too. Not fun! So I skipped the gym again tonight-I know, naughty girl! But I took tomorrow off so I plan on going in the morning. Then it'll be another busy day getting ready for our new years gathering!

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